Vehicle Wiring Details for a
1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Item Wire Color Polarity Wire Location
12V pink/blk or red/wht Positive (+) steering column
Starter yellow/blue (small) Positive (+) steering column
Starter 2 none
Ignition blue/gray Positive (+) steering column
2nd Ignition none
3rd Ignition none
Accessory orange/black Positive (+) steering column
Accessory 2 none
Tachometer gray/blue pcm[1]
Power Door (Lock)
Wiring Diagram for
[Positive (+)] Door Lock
orange/purple Positive (+) blk conn. drivers kick
Power Door (Unlock)
Wiring Diagram for
[Positive (+)] Door Unlock
pink/purple Positive (+) or red conn. pass kick
Door Trigger yellow [2] Negative (-) drivers kick panel
Dome Supervision
Wiring Diagram for
[none] Dome
none none none
Headlights tan/black Positive (+) at switch-high and low
Parklight Positive blue/red Positive (+) left of st. column
Parklight Negative none
Wipers brown/white Positive (+) steering column
Left Front Window
white - lt. blue drivers window switch
Right Front Window
brn/wht - pur/wht drivers switch or kick panel
Left Rear Window
blu/wht - red/blk A drivers switch or kick panel
Right Rear Window
gry/blk - grn/wht A drivers switch or kick panel
Trunk/Hatch Pin tied in with doors Negative (-) drivers kick panel
Hood Pin brown/tan Negative (-) pass. kick blue plug
Trunk/Hatch Release
Wiring Diagram for
[] Trunk/Hatch
Factory Alarm
pink/orange Positive (+) pass. kick red plug
Factory Alarm
purple/yellow Negative (-) driver kick black plug
Horn gray/orange Negative (-) steering column
Brake white Positive (+) left of brake pedal
Door Motor
none none none
Door Motor
none none none
Disarm none none none
Disarm No Unlock none none none
Additional Info:
[1] High on passenger side firewall under hood. [2] Not underdash light

ATTENTION: This wiring information is being provided free of charge and on an "as is" basis, without any representation or warranty. It is your responsibility to verify any circuit before interfacing with it by using a digital multimeter. GNU Industries, Inc. assumes no responsibility with regards to the accuracy or currency of this information. Proper installation in every case is and remains the responsibility of the installer. GNU assumes no responsibility resulting from an improper installation, even in reliance upon this information.

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